We spent much time on selecting and developing good &reliable manufacturers. What we are sure is that we can deliver the qualify products Continuously. And we provide 6 months warranty for our items. Samples could be sent for quality testing and we welcome trial orders for evaluation.

Also, the detail presentation of our turbocharger quality control is ready to send you if you have any interest.

we provide 6 months warranty for our items. Our turbos could be last for 1~2 years if under proper operation and maintain.

If there is any complaint, we provide after sales service & solutions as below:

  • Quality default

After verifying the photos & video, if it is our turbo quality default during the guarantee period(6 months), we will send you a turbocharger in good condition to replace FOR FREE or return you the money of the unqualified turbo.

  • Wrong items issue

Correct turbochargers will be sent to you to replace FOR FREE

We are in this field for 8 years for turbochargers . We would like to be your SPARE SUPPLIER for turbochargers. I’m not asking you to change your current suppliers. We could be your 2nd supplier. What does a 2nd supplier can do for you? The biggest benefit is to lower your risk. What risk we can help to lower and avoid for you?

  1. Risk of delivery delay in peak season
  2. Risk of price increase
  3. Risk of quality

It’s not good to put all eggs in one basket, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. To have one more supplier option is also a way for risk control, do you agree?

  1. Always understand why the original turbocharger needs replacing. Determine the cause of any failure and rectify it before fitting a replacement unit.
  2. Check the engine intake/exhaust and aftercooler systems are clean and without obstruction (free from oil, gasket pieces, dust, dirt, carbon or other debris). Replace air filter if necessary, using only OEM recommended parts.
  3. Cheek that the oil inlet and oil drain flanges are clean and free from obstruction, internal carbon and sludge, (removing to clean if necessary). if in doubt, replace with new.
  4. Replace the oil & filter, ensuring that only OEM recommended parts and specified oil are used.
  5. Check the exhaust mounting flange and studs are in good condition (free from cracks and debris). If in doubt, replace with new.
  6. Mount the turbocharger on the exhaust flange, check that the turbine inlet gasket fits correctly to give a gas tight seal.
  7. Connect the oil drain pipe then fill the turbocharger oil feed hole with clean engine oil and slowly rotate the rotor by hand.
  8. Connect all external fittings to the turbocharger. pull out the fuel stop and crank engine to develop oil pressure.
  9. Start the engine and idle checking that all air, gas and oil connections are tight and free from leakage, tightening any fastenings as appropriate, using soapy water to help detect gas leaks.
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